Follow Me In by Katriona Chapman

  • Follow Me In by Katriona Chapman
  • Follow Me In by Katriona Chapman
  • Follow Me In by Katriona Chapman
  • Follow Me In by Katriona Chapman
  • Follow Me In by Katriona Chapman

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Kat had no responsibilities and nothing to tie her down. But she had graduated university with no plans. She was an artist who hadn’t drawn in five years. She was lost.

What’s more, she’d been avoiding admitting to herself something that all of those around her knew; that her boyfriend, Richard, had some serious problems with alcohol.

Looking for a fresh start, the two of them quit their jobs and embarked on a journey to Mexico for what they expected to be an adventure of a lifetime. It led to experiences that changed both of their lives and to Kat rediscovering a love of art, a lifelong attachment to Mexico and the strength to move on.

Hardcover, 248 pages

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