Tim Bird Bundle - Adrift on a Painted Sea + Grey Area Our Town + The Great North Wood

  • Tim Bird Bundle - Adrift on a Painted Sea + Grey Area Our Town + The Great North Wood
  • Tim Bird Bundle - Adrift on a Painted Sea + Grey Area Our Town + The Great North Wood
  • Tim Bird Bundle - Adrift on a Painted Sea + Grey Area Our Town + The Great North Wood
  • Tim Bird Bundle - Adrift on a Painted Sea + Grey Area Our Town + The Great North Wood

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Ships September 2024

Adrift on a Painted Sea

Paperback with french flaps, 84 pages, full colour

A poignant, thoughtful graphic memoir that explores family, loss, and art through the author's relationship with his mother, who painted as a hobby throughout her life.

Sue Bird was always painting: botanical art, landscapes, still lifes, and especially the sea. She took classes, kept countless sketchbooks, and filled the house with art. From their neighbourhood to their family trips, all the moments of her life were memorialized in her artwork. Throughout her life, she never sold a piece -- she gave art to family and friends, and shared her work online, but never received wider recognition for her work. 

This graphic novel by her son, Tim Bird, explores their family life and her creative explorations through a mix of her paintings and Tim's comics, depicting their relationship and her life from teenagehood to her struggle with cancer at the height of the covid pandemic. After her death, this graphic novel at last showcases her work. 

At its heart a book about creativity and family relationships, Adrift on a Painted Sea tells a story about the things we overlook in the people closest to us. 

Grey Area Our Town

Place. Memory. Stories. Lives.

In this instalment of Tim Bird's award winning comic Grey Area our focus turns to remembered places.

Memories from childhood. Relationships with those we love. The environment that we experience. The time and place within which we exist.

These aspects of our lives are questioned and interrogated - memories and places change, whilst we are shaped by our connections with those close to us, as well as the landscapes we inhabit.

Our Town is Tim Bird's follow-up to From the City to the Sea, which won Best Comic at the 2015 British Comic Awards.

32 pages, full colour, 210x297mm.

ISBN: 9781910395240

The Great North Wood

Long ago the whole of Southern England was covered in forest. Over time, this woodland has been gradually cut back, but small patches remain amidst the suburban sprawl of South-East London. A few ancient oaks still stand in gaps between housing estates, alongside railway lines and acting as boundary markers on roundabouts.

The magic that once filled the ancient forest can still be felt even when the trees are long gone. Memories of the Great North Wood are recorded in the place names – Forest Hill, Honour Oak, Norwood. Stories are told of the bandits, outlaws and gypsies that once roamed the forest, and their presence can sometimes be sensed when the hum of the city is quiet.

Tim Bird’s longest work to date continues his interest in psychogeography and how memories live on in the landscape, a theme which his work has explored before including in his 2015 British Comic Award winning comic From The City To The Sea.

9781910395363 - 68pp - Full Colour